5 Toxic Beliefs About Perfection That Ruin Careers

I am a recovering perfectionist. I set high goals and beat myself up when I
fail to meet the mark.

The verbal attacks I’ve unleashed upon myself would be categorized as emotional abuse if they were inflicted by a parent!

I’m not the only one who struggles with the toxic and negative messages that our mind produces in the relentless pursuit of perfection.

Great leaders strive to achieve excellence for many reasons. For some, the need for perfection is deeply embedded in a personality type that feels compelled to keep moving toward goals with a high level of integrity. Some are are trained to believe perfection will take them to a high level of success. Still others try to quiet a strong inner critic.

Perfection is seductive because it hints at the promised land; however, it’s more about the ideal than the real when leaders let it sabotage their business and life.

Here are 5 toxic beliefs about perfection that will ruin your career:


Leaders ruin careers when they confuse perfection with competency.

No one expects you to be perfect; they do expect you to be competent. When you lead from a place of competence, you lead from a place of strength.

Competence alone can’t make you a leader, but being an incompetent leader provides unlimited opportunities for you to be ineffective. Knowing what to do—professional competence—is vital. Being competent doesn’t mean that a leader knows how to do everything, but rather that they know what to do and how to get it done.

Your competence will instill confidence not only in yourself, but in those following you as well.


Leaders ruin careers when they fail to realize that their time is worth money.

Successful people make decisions on how to make the best use of their time. They do not focus on perfection or being the best; instead, they work on doing what is needed to get the job done.

Henry Ford once was quoted as saying: “It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste time.”

Do not waste your time trying to be perfect; instead, invest your time in addressing the issues that are creating roadblocks in your path toward success.


Leaders ruin careers by thinking that they need to have all the answers.

Once you give up the need to have all the answers, you will be able to appreciate the feeling of freedom that comes with it.

As a leader, you don’t need to have all the answers or have superhuman traits. The difference between you being a successful or not so successful leader depends on how you deal with the questions you do not have an answer for.

Resist the urge to be a perfect know-it-all and step back. Do not be afraid to respond by probing and asking even more questions—but focus on asking the right questions so the answers will lead you closer to finding success.


Leaders ruin careers by believing that others will be impressed if they turn in perfect performances.

You do need to be impressive as a leader, but if you rely upon perfection to make those good impressions, you will be living beneath a mask. The reason? When you spend so much time manipulating everyone’s perception of you, you are forfeiting something far more important—your authenticity.

Don’t worry about what others want you to be, or their judgments of you. You know in your heart who you are, what provides meaning and value to you, and where your journey is taking you.

You do not need to be perfect to be impressive. Instead, let others be inspired by the way in which you deal with your imperfections.


Leaders ruin careers when they start believing perfection will lead them to success.

Often, success is learning on the go so we can pivot to meet new challenges or demands of our environment. The desire for perfection will cripple our need to adapt to fast-moving situations where minds need to remain nimble and flexible.

The rules of the game change every day, as new information is taken in and processed. Leaders who are mentally tough are constantly moving and adapting until they find something that works.

When the path ahead is not clear, the desire for perfection is a hindrance to eventual success because it impedes a nimble mindset.

I have always found that Mary, mother of Jesus, was a great example of a person with a nimble mind. When the virgin discovers that she is pregnant, all she asks the angel is one simple clarifying question, “How will this be,” Mary asked (Luke 1:34 NIV).

Not if but how, and then she trusts the how even though it defies logic and pushes the boundaries of her understanding of what can and should happen.

Her example is a one of confidence, grace, and calm—and that is perfect freedom.

What other toxic beliefs about perfection can you add?


Emiten bonos para expandir Riba Smith

La cadena espera duplicar el número de supermercados en los próximos tres años. Además, adecuará las tiendas actuales.




CENTRO LOGISTICO. En el parque industrial de La Pita se fabricaran ...

CENTRO LOGÍSTICO. En el parque industrial de La Pita se fabricarán panes, dulces, chocolates y embutidos de marca propia, entre otros. Desde este punto se distribuirán a todo el país. CORTESÍA/Grupo Xandri.


04/08/2014 – Inmobiliaria Cervelló colocó en el mercado local una emisión de bonos por $82 millones que se utilizarán principalmente para financiar la expansión de la cadena de supermercados Riba Smith.

Inmobiliaria Cervelló es una sociedad anónima que comparte accionistas con el Grupo Riba Smith. Además, es afiliada de Casselberry S.A. y Xandri S.A, que arriendan los locales comerciales a la cadena de supermercados.

El plazo de vencimiento de la emisión es de 12 años. Los primeros cinco años la tasa de interés será fija a 5.75% y del sexto al duodécimo flotará entre 5.75% y 7.75%, explicó Jorge Riba, gerente general de Grupo Xandri. La emisión tiene además una serie subordinada de $2.5 millones para los accionistas del grupo que debe salir al mercado en las próximas semanas.

Se trata de la primera emisión de la entidad en el mercado local. Riba, de 27 años de edad y ejemplo de la renovación generacional en el grupo familiar, explicó que la empresa siempre se había financiado mediante bancos, pero hace un año y medio surgió la idea de hacerlo a través de bonos “porque eliminábamos el riesgo de tasa, y más teniendo en cuenta que estamos en un periodo de tasas bajas récord. Así aseguramos nuestro financiamiento durante los próximos 12 años”.

Estructurar la emisión tomó más de un año. Riba reconoce que “los procedimientos son mayores y el escrutinio público es intenso”. No obstante, “nos sentimos satisfechos con la emisión. Tuvimos una demanda más alta de lo que esperábamos y pudimos bajar la tasa”.

Además de refinanciar la deuda actual, la empresa destinará estos fondos al nuevo parque industrial en La Pita, en Capira. Se trata de un proyecto de $35 millones que albergará las actividades de Industrias Alimenticias Ricas Viandas, empresa dedicada a la elaboración de panes, frituras de maíz y yuca, dulces y chocolates de marca propia; y de Víveres de Panamá, encargada de la elaboración de embutidos y cortes de carnes.

El parque industrial, que ya acumula un 80% de avance, acogerá un centro logístico. “Con esta instalación la empresa estará en capacidad de vender sus productos a todo el país”, dijo Riba.

La emisión financiará también los nuevos supermercados de Brisas del Golf, y de Costa Verde, en La Chorrera, que están en distintas fases de ejecución. En los supermercados de Costa Del Este y Bella Vista –ya existentes– se construirán nuevos edificios de estacionamientos y la tienda de este último será renovada.

Riba Smith también tiene planeado abrir otros dos supermercados: uno en la zona de Albrook y otro en la carretera al puente Centenario. La concreción de estos planes depende de la ejecución de los proyectos comerciales por parte de sus respectivos promotores, que son distintos de la inmobiliaria del grupo.

Actualmente, la cadena tiene cuatro supermercados y 2 tiendas. Para el año 2017, espera haber duplicado el número de supermercados y tener tres tiendas.